Services offered by Paradigm Sporthorse Training:
- Full and Partial Training packages
- Sales (including advertising, videoing, etc)
- Pre-purchase consultations
- Rehabilitation from sports injury
Becky's goal as a dressage trainer is to maintain a relaxed, comfortable horse that demonstrates effortless beauty and harmony with its rider......true dressage . She evaluates each horse's ability, in combination with its rider's goals and ability, in order to set up the partnership for success. While adhering in principle to the ideals of the classical training pyramid, Becky recognizes that many horses aren't classical dressage horses by nature, and she thoughtfully modifies the training to achieve the greatest benefit to horse and rider.
Becky feels that the horses personality is intrinsic to its ability to be an expressive dressage mount and she strives to highlight the character from each horse. Some horses are comics by nature, others stoics, and others are Type A overachievers.......whatever the case, they are similar in their desire to please and recognizing their individuality is key to fostering and enhancing this desire.
In regards to her riding students, Becky's first concerns are safety and compatibility. Accidents are easier to prevent than confidence is to gain. Once mounted on a compatible horse, Becky focuses on giving the rider the tools to simply and clearly communicate with their horse. Many times training issues need several approaches before resolution and Becky's broad base of experience makes her more than capable to resolve each problem as it arises.